Case Study: Discovery of Electoral Factors

Striving to Discover Electoral Factors

Let’s Use the Trial Tool!

In the case of mammals, we were able to identify mammals by learning about animal information.

Now let's look at the factors that lead to victory in elections.

What Are the Features of Winners?

What are the features of the candidates who win or lose elections?

  • What political party do they belong to?
  • Are they an incumbent or a new candidate?
  • Are they a young person or a heavyweight?
  • What kind of policies do they advocate?

and so on.

Also, in elections, which parties are strongly supported differs depending on the region, or block. It is difficult to determine the important factors for winning by considering each combination.

Wide Learning™ makes it easy to find combinations of features that are useful in winning elections from past election results.

By understanding the combinations of these features, you can see what criteria voters use to decide who they vote for, and candidates can see what voters want.

Data Used in this Case Study

Using the data created for this demonstration, let's find out the features of the winners in the Wide Learning™ Trial Tool.

In order to use the Wide Learning™ Trial Tool to predict the outcome of an election, the following two data sets are necessary. Please download the linked files and use them.

The characters, organizations, names, etc. that are used here are fictitious and have nothing to do with actual entities.

Election Case Study - Data for learning: Data for Wide Learning™ to learn from (election_train.csv)

Election Case Study - Data for prediction: Data for Wide Learning™ to use for prediction (election_test.csv)

The data for learning contains various information in the form of a table, including that of 219 winners and 456 losers in a fictitious election, for a total of 675 people. If the solution label, which is the "Elected" column, is 1, it means that person was elected, and if it is 0, it means that person lost.

For example, the first line of the data for learning contains the following information about Taro Fujitsu.

Name Taro Fujitsu   Age 67
Gender Male   Political Party Various Parties
Block Tokai   Number of Times Elected 3
New/Incumbent/Former Former   Birthplace = Electoral District No

The detailed content of the study data can be found in the "1 -3. Check the data for learning" section of the Wide Learning™ Trial Tool.

Check the Data

Upload Data for Learning

In order to use Wide Learning™, data for learning must be input into the AI. Upload the data for learning for the election case study you just downloaded to the Wide Learning™ Trial Tool to see what it contains.

Let's Take a Look at the Contents of the Data for Learning You Uploaded

When you upload data for learning, the contents of the data are displayed in a table. One row represents the data for one candidate.

You can check the statistical information of the data for learning from "1 -3. Check the data for learning". For details, see "Let's look at the statistics" in Identifying Mammals.

What Factors Influence the Outcomes of Elections?

Generation of Combinations of Important Items

Click the "Generate combinations of important items" button. (Generation takes some time)

When generation is complete, Wide Learning™ will display the combinations of items that have been determined to be important (useful in determining a candidate's election prospects) in a table.

Each line displays the details of a single combination. The leftmost column, "Combinations of important items", indicates the combinations of important items found by Wide Learning™.

Let's get the AI to learn from the combinations of key items we have found. Press the "Weight important combinations" button.

Check Important Combinations

When learning is complete, you can see how much weight is attached to the important combinations you have identified.

Here, "Weight" is a numerical expression of how important a combination of items is in determining whether or not a candidate is elected.

POS (= Positive) combinations are an important basis for determining the reasons a candidate has won.

On the other hand, NEG (= Negative) combinations are an important basis for determining the reasons a candidate did not win (= Lost).

Discover Factors of Winning and Losing from Learning Results

Now let's look at the important combinations found in this election case study.

Factors Contributing to Winning an Election

Check that POS is selected in the upper right corner of the table in "3 -1 Overall Learning Results".

In POS, you can check the combinations of features that contribute to candidates winning. What combinations of items are there that are POS?

The combination "Alma Mater_University C ∧ Faculty_Economics" shows that many people who attended the Economics faculty of University C advance into politics.

The combination "Advocates_Healthcare_Yes ∧ Advocates_Welfare/Nursing_Yes ∧ Advocates_Pension_Yes" suggests that voters are interested in issues related to the elderly and pensions after retirement.

Also, the combination "Age>= 60.0 ∧ Number of Times Elected>= 3.0" indicates veterans are often winners.

By looking at all the combinations using AI, you can also find features that consist of combinations of seemingly unrelated items.

Factors Contributing to Losing an Election

Click "NEG" at the top right of the table. Next, you can look at the combinations that contribute to the determination of NEG.

You can see the combination "Block_North Kanto ∧ Advocates_Child Support_No". This may be due to voters in the North Kanto block having a strong interest in children and child support.

"Block_Tohoku ∧ Party_B Party" shows that the approval rating of the B Party is low in the Tohoku region.

There are also many items with the form "Block_Shikoku ∧ zzzz", such as "Block_Shikoku ∧ Advocates_Differing Family Names_No", "Block_Shikoku ∧ Advocates_Healthcare_Yes", and "Block_Shikoku ∧ Number of Times Elected>= 3.0". This suggests that the winning and losing patterns in the Shikoku region may be different from those in other regions.

Check the Factors that Determine the Success or Failure of Individual Candidates

Click "3 -2. Individual Learning Results".

Here, for each piece of the data for learning, you can check what kinds of combinations contribute to POS and NEG and whether they prediction a win or a loss in an election.

Examine Individual Items of "30 Hiroto Tanimoto"

Let's take a look at the results of Mr. Hiroto Tanimoto. Hiroto Tanimoto has actually won the election, and the AI computation results consist only of pink items, which represent the positive factors. So let's check the combinations of important items that were the basis of the prediction.

Hiroto Tanimoto is expected to win the election because of his important combinations of "Age>= 60.0 ∧ Number of Times Elected>= 3.0" and Advocates_Healthcare_Yes ∧ Advocates_Welfare/Nursing_Yes ∧ Advocates_Pension_Yes". These combinations are actually the important combinations for winning the election that we confirmed earlier.

Examine Individual Items of "277 Takahiro Sano"

Next, let's take a look at the results of Takahiro Sano. Takahiro Sano has lost the election, and you can see he has numerous blue combinations, which signify NEG. Now, click "NEG" and look at the combinations of important items that will help you predict failure. The important NEG combination of "Block_North Kanto ∧ Advocates_Child Support_No", which we confirmed earlier, is in the list.

In this way, Wide Learning™ can be used to identify combinations of important items that can be used as a basis for winning or losing an election.

Please check the reasons for other candidates who won or lost.

Prediction of Results for a New Election

Let's use the AI we trained earlier to predict the winners and losers of a new election.

The data for prediction you downloaded earlier contains information about 6 candidates in Kanagawa prefecture.

Let's assume that out of these 6 candidates, 2 will be elected. At this time, which candidates are most likely to win? Upload the data for prediction to the Wide Learning™ Trial Tool to make a prediction.

Check the Results of Prediction

You can review the results and scores for candidates in the prediction data in "5 -1. Individual prediction results". When the score exceeds 0.5, the result is POS (The candidate is likely to win the election).

In this case which involves Kanagawa Prefecture, as high chance of winning the election = order of high scores, Katsumi Ishihara and Sawa Taniguchi have the highest odds of winning the election. By selecting each candidate in the same way as in the data for learning, you can confirm the combinations of features that will be the basis of the prediction of winning or losing.

Prediction of Results for an Actual Election

In this case study, we used data that was created specifically for this case, but it is also possible to perform the same analysis on real data. A prediction of the winners and losers of the 2019 Japanese House of Councilors election performed using Wide Learning™ can be viewed at the following link.

A proposal of an AI-based national election forecasting framework

Let's Try Using the Trial Tool

You can use the Trial Tool free of charge, without any registration.
So, let's get into Wide Learning™!