Comparison with Deep Learning
Even Small Amounts of Data Can Be Used to Make Highly Accurate Judgements
Wide Learning™ can work with a small amount of data at hand, it does not need a large amount of data for learning.
This is an advantage over deep learning.
Naturally, the more data you have in Wide Learning™, the more accurate it becomes and this leads to new discoveries.
Experiment 1: Comparison Using Small Amounts of Data
Deep learning needs at least one to tens of thousands of pieces of data to achieve high accuracy. In contrast, other popular technologies used in AI other than deep learning, can often achieve practical accuracy with as little as 100 to 1,000 samples of data. In fact, experiments comparing Wide Learning™ with deep learning on small amounts of data have shown that Wide Learning™ is more accurate (figure below).
Experiment 2: Comparison Using Large Amounts of Data
Comparative experiments with large amounts of data have also shown higher accuracy than deep learning (figure below).
Experimental Detail
Each of the following data sets was evaluated on the average of the F values of each trial in a 5-fold cross-validation.
For each label in each data set, data for binary classification was created and tested.
We use a deep learning model that has 5 fully connected layers, each parameter of which is set to default.
We set the number of epochs to 1,000, which is enough that the value of the loss function converges to 1,000.
Data sets used in experiment 1 (*1)
Identifying breast tissue: Breast Tissue Data Set
Identifying glass types: Glass Identification Data Set
Data set used in experiment 2 (*1)
Determining space shuttle flight status: Statlog (Shuttle) Data Set (Use shuttle.trn.Z)
*1 : Dua, D. and Graff, C. (2019).
UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.